Currency Exchange Belfast Airport

Changing your travel money and obtaining the cheapest foreign currency exchange rates can be a bit of a hassle before you go on holiday but many people just don't realise how much difference there can be between the price you pay for the different methods of getting the best foreign exchange.

Here are our tips on getting the most for your exchange rate:
  • Ordering money online usually secures you the best rates
  • Sort our your money in advance - whether it's online or in-store to save time at the airport (meaning more time in duty-free!)
  • Compare rates to secure the best deal, places like Travelex and Marks and Spencer Bureau de Change may offer very different rates
  • We recommend taking out (at least) some cash for your trip, rather than relying on taking just a card. It's more convenient and if you're travelling to smaller locations, then card machines may not always be available.

Order Foreign Cash

The method you use will depend a lot on when and where you are going on holiday. Travelex is a great start.

Exchange rates also change daily so a deal you will get one day from one provider may change the next day. For the best rates, you can order online, in advance, from providers like Travelex to get the cash straight to your door, for a great price.

We have researched the different ways you can purchase your travel money and found the best solutions for everyone to help make sure you get the best rates and save money, time and hassle!

Currency Exchange at Belfast Airport

Travelex is located in landside departures before you go up the escalators to security and is open 5am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 5am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday.

You can take advantage of the providers' online rate (which is usually much better) and then just pick up your currency at the airport, saving you money and time which is often in short supply when you are trying to make sure you don't miss your flight!

Credit and Debit Cards

Man with foreign credit card, dollars

Feel free to use your own UK debit or credit cards whilst abroad. However, it's worth visiting your bank to check whether you'll incur any extra charges for using your card abroad.

If you do opt to take your personal cards, be sure you're aware of any charges or interest you may be subject to for using the card abroad. It's also worth noting that terms on your credit cards can change yearly.

Home Delivery

If you're organised enough to sort your currency out well in advance, why not make use of a home delivery service? Simply order your currency online and opt to have it sent to your home or office.